ARLA/CLUSTER: VP8SGI: Novas da DXpedition às Ilhas da Geogia do Sul

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Segunda-Feira, 8 de Fevereiro de 2016 - 17:11:57 WET

VP8SGI South Georgia Islands DXpedition news

(Update February 6th)
Today I was in contact with N6PSE from early morning. We exchanged a
lot of messages while they are in the middle of a big storm with high
winds and snow. It seems that South Georgia weather does not want to
give them a rest.

ATNO (all time new one) plans are going to change due propagation is
shifting day to day. Tomorrow, February 7th, they will be asking for
ATNO contacts time to time on any band so please, follow operator
instructions and respect to those for whom VP8SGI is still an All Time
New One.

We did not speak about 6 meters but plans for this band are still the
same, if there is an available radio during his afternoon-evening,
Paul will call me via Iridium Satellite few minutes before to start to
call on 50.110 MHz so check DX Cluster Network spots.

I asked them for an earlier 160 meters activity looking to Western
Europe and also to take profit of Grey Line with East Coast and it
seems they are going to be on the Top Band earlier than previous days.

In my last press release, I stated that this project exceeds $215.000.
Well, VP8 project budget is $425.000, team members contributed with $210.000.

They are very grateful to all sponsors and individual donors who will
help them to cover remaining $215.000.

VP8STI/VP8SGI Chief Pilot

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