ARLA/CLUSTER: Radioamadores auxiliam vitimas do terramoto em Taiwan

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Segunda-Feira, 8 de Fevereiro de 2016 - 17:09:51 WET

Earthquake in Taiwan

An earthquake measuring 6.4 has hit Taiwan, and caused buildings to collapse.

HARTS (Hong Kong Amateur Radio Transmitting Society) has received a
weak voice signal from the CTARL Taiwan (Chinese Taipei Amateur Radio
League) that asks that the following frequencies be kept clear.

HF frequencies used in Taiwan are voice: Main is 7.060 MHz with backup
7.050 MHz and 3.560 MHz. Short range frequencies are on VHF and UHF.

At least four buildings have collapsed in the south of the island.
Dozens of residents are reported to be trapped in the city of Tainan,
those houses nearly two million people.

Tremors were felt in the capital Taipei, on the other side of the
island, and aftershocks were felt.

Taiwan lies in the 'Pacific Ring of Fire' and in 2013, four people
were killed in a 6.3-magnitude quake.

Jim Linton VK3PC
IARU Chairman Disaster Communications Committee.

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