ARLA/CLUSTER: Fim de semana de 17 e 18 de Dezembro, participe no Vintage Radio Weekend On The Air

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Segunda-Feira, 5 de Dezembro de 2016 - 17:31:28 WET

Vintage Radio Weekend on the air on 17-18 December

The Vintage Radio Group will be 'sponsoring' a Vintage Radio Weekend
on the air on 17-18 December. This event is open to everyone with
vintage gear to participate on-air, on any band, any mode, any time
over the weekend.

MX0VRG will be active on the 40m band (subject to conditions) during
the weekend using a FT-101ZD or TS-830S and possibly an IC-735.

There has been a great deal of interest expressed by hams in Belgium
and Germany as well as the UK, so we hope that there will be plenty of
vintage activity from young and old alike.

This free downloadable, high resolution, self-service Certificate is
available to all participants:

The certificate is available from the VRG website:

This short URL also links to the webpages but service is often

'Vintage' is very loosely defined, but mainly applies to equipment
made before 1985 or thereabouts, way back to the 1920's or beyond!.
Further Vintage Radio Weekends are also planned for 2017, at
bi-monthly intervals.

Bulletins about the December weekend wil be posted on Twitter at  (hashtag #VINTRADIO) - no login needed.

We hope you will be able to participate, and even if you can't, please
spread the word.

The VRG is affiliated to the Phoenix ARC as a 'Special Interest Group'.

Alan G7HZZ

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