ARLA/CLUSTER: Pizzicato - A radio with no analog parts ?

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Quarta-Feira, 13 de Maio de 2015 - 11:49:07 WEST

A radio with no analog parts ?

* Monty Barlow* describes a working radio transmitter with only digital
parts, code-named *Pizzicato*

No analogue filters and mixers. No exotic Gallium Arsenide chips. Just good
old regular digital logic. This is a big deal, and no one has done it

Despite the buzz around an increasingly digital world, so called ‘Software
Defined Radios‘ today have one foot firmly in the analogue past. Mobile
phones, Wi-Fi access points, police radios and Bluetooth headsets all use
analogue circuitry to handle radio frequencies.

So what have we done differently? New mathematical tricks mean we can
compute multi-Gigabit/second, digital waveforms in real time without a
supercomputer. Software can shape and control this waveform, making almost
any signal imaginable at any frequency.

Read his post and watch the video at
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