ARLA/CLUSTER: Contribution of Colin Wilson CT7ACG in Nepal Emergency
Associação de Radioamadores do Litoral Alentejano
Quarta-Feira, 13 de Maio de 2015 - 11:46:20 WEST
The contribution of Colin Wilson CT7ACG is distinguished and
internationally highlighted in Nepal Emergency Net.
Among the numerous amateur radio stations that are involved in this
important movement aiding Nepal there is one, which by its location in
our country, deserves to be celebrated.
Our colleague Colin Wilson (CT7ACG) which station is located in São
Bartolomeu de Messines, Algarve, Southern Portugal, together with the
Israeli colleague Emir (4X6TT) have both played an admirable and
important role in the Nepal Emergency Net - recognized worldwide in
various international forums.
All hams involved in assistance to earthquake victims in Nepal are
unanimous in highlighting the dedication and efforts of stations
CT7ACG and 4X6TT, particularly in maintaining such important radio
network active, providing communication assistance to the affected
Even though Colin Wilson is not a national, it is nevertheless an
amateur operator with his station located in Portugal, resounding the
name of our country on a valued work recognized and valued
internationally. This is not the first time that Colin is documented
for his dedication to amateur radio, highlight before thanks to his
special call CR5CW, well known for contests performance.
All of us, Portuguese radio amateurs, owe a word of recognition and
grateful acknowledgment to our colleague Colin for his work with his
radio station in our country.
Thank you Colin and congratulations for your commitment and effort
based in Portugal.
Best regards from portuguese Associação de Radioamadores do Litoral Alentejano,
Miguel Andrade, CT1ETL
Fonte : Southgate Amateur Radio News
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