ARLA/CLUSTER: Receptor SDR ColibriDDC à venda no Reino Unido
João Costa > CT1FBF
Terça-Feira, 10 de Março de 2015 - 12:43:58 WET
[image: Resultado de imagem para ColibriDDC SDR receiver][image: Resultado
de imagem para ColibriDDC SDR receiver]
ColibriDDC SDR receiver
*Martin Lynch and Sons* are delighted to announce that we are now the
official UK distributor of the *ColibriDDC*, a PC-based HF/6M receiver that
can be controlled remotely via your local area network.
*ColibriDDC Receiver:*
This small-size receiver is intended to receive signals covering the HF
frequency band 0.09MHz to 55MHz, and also (with the help of external
filters) to receive frequencies up to 800MHz whilst working together with a
It incorporates direct digital signal sampling by utilising a high speed
analogue-digital converter. Such architecture allows the user eliminate
additional noise caused by analogue cascades and makes the signal sound
more natural and transparent.
The Local Area Network (LAN) interface allows you to use the device
remotely and also allows you to connect several receivers to one PC
The ColibriDDC is a great low-cost HF and 6m receiver that makes the
absolute most of direct sampling technology.
For more information: Please visit
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