ARLA/CLUSTER: Dois radioamadores vão estar presentes no programa da BBC sobre o eclipse solar a 20 de março
João Costa > CT1FBF
Terça-Feira, 3 de Março de 2015 - 14:05:33 WET
Radio hams will be at BBC Solar Eclipse event
Two radio amateurs, Dave Akerman M0RPI and Paolo Nespoli IZ0JPA, will
be at the BBC Stargazing Livesolar eclipse event at Leicester on March
Dave Akerman M0RPI is well known
for many High Altitude Balloon flights. These have carried the
Rapsberry Pi computer board as part of the payload and produced
spectacular pictures some of which were transmitted in the 434 MHz
band using the amateur radio Slow Scan Digital Video (SSDV) mode.
Italian astronaut Paolo Nespoli IZ0JPA was on the October 2007 Shuttle
STS-120 mission to the International Space Station. In 2010/11 he was
flight engineer for ISS Expeditions 26 and 27 and installed amateur
radio equipment in the Columbus module of the space station.
The Leicester Mercury newspaper reports the BBC is staging a
spectacular show at the racecourse in Leicester to coincide with the
solar eclipse on March 20.
It says Leicester was chosen by the BBC because it is home to the
National Space Centre and Leicester University which are at the
forefront of space exploration and were involved in the Beagle 2
mission to Mars in 2003.
Paolo Nespoli IZ0JPA said: “I’ve never been to Leicester and I’m
really looking forward to visiting."
“It will be great to interact with the kids and share my enthusiasm of
space, science, maths and technology”.
The free event will be open from 9am until 3pm and from 6pm until 9pm
on March 20.
Read the Leicester Mercury story at
BBC Stargazing Live event details
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