ARLA/CLUSTER: E.U.A. : "Amateur Radio vanity call sign " desaparecem em Setembro de 2015

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Sexta-Feira, 31 de Julho de 2015 - 13:36:54 WEST


Faz-me um pouco de confusão pois as taxas dos " vanity call sign "
passaram de $16,10 para $21,40 por um período de 10 anos e agora vão
acabar ???  Quando só aqui a FCC arrecadava mais $250 000 e quando o
Congresso solicitou uma colecta de $340 milhões para o ano fiscal de
2015 e quando a FCC diz que ainda vai poupar dinheiro e pessoal
acabando com esta taxa.

Isto até me parece típica engenharia financeira à portuguesa, hihihihi.

João Costa (CT1FBF)

2015-07-31 13:19 GMT+01:00 Rui Oliveira <ruimail24>:
> Se me permite, claro colega João, o corpo da notícia indica que o que
> desaparece é os custos de ter um indicativo ocasional e não a possibilidade
> de eles existirem.
> Nuns países não se paga... Aqui paga-se bem...
> Rui Oliveira
> Em 31/07/2015 13:09, "João Costa &gt; CT1FBF" <ct1fbf> escreveu:
>> Amateur Radio vanity call sign fee to disappear in September
>> The Amateur Radio vanity call sign regulatory fee is set to disappear
>> in the next few weeks. According to the best-available information
>> from FCC sources, the first day that applicants will be able to file a
>> vanity application without having to pay a fee is Thursday, September
>> 3.
>> In deciding earlier this year to drop the regulatory fee components
>> for Amateur Radio vanity call signs and General Mobile Radio Service
>> (GMRS) applications, the FCC said it was doing so to save money and
>> personnel resources. The Commission asserted that it costs more of
>> both to process the regulatory fees and issue refunds than the amount
>> of the regulatory fee payment.
>> "Our costs have increased over time, and now that the costs exceed the
>> amount of the regulatory fee, the increased relative administrative
>> cost supports eliminating this regulatory fee category," the FCC said
>> in its Report and Order, which appeared on July 21 in The Federal
>> Register. "Once [it's] eliminated, these licensees will no longer be
>> financially burdened with such payments, and the Commission will no
>> longer incur these administrative costs that exceed the fee payments."
>> The FCC raised the Amateur Service vanity call sign regulatory fee
>> from $16.10 to its current $21.40 for the 10-year license term in
>> 2014. The $5.30 increase was the largest such fee hike in many years.
>> In a typical fiscal year, the FCC collected on the order of $250,000
>> in vanity call sign regulatory fees.
>> The FCC said the revenue it would otherwise collect from such
>> regulatory fees "will be proportionally assessed on other wireless fee
>> categories." Congress has mandated that the FCC collect nearly $340
>> million in regulatory fees from all services in fiscal year 2015.
>> Fonte : The American Radio Relay League
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