ARLA/CLUSTER: comunicado do Conselho de Administração da IARU, reunido no México
TRGM-Tertulia Radio Gugl Marconi
Sábado, 3 de Janeiro de 2015 - 23:27:17 WET
Apesar de, com algum atraso, chegou ao nosso conhecimento o documento abaixo
que, pela atitude tomada pelo Conselho Administrativo da IARU merece a nossa
admiração e a divulgação a todos os radioamadores (não temos memória de que
tenha sido divulgada em Portugal, por qualquer associação).
International Amateur Radio Union
P.O. Box 310905
Newington, CT 06131-0905 USA
FAX: +1 860 594 0259
E-Mail: secretary @
25 September 2013 For immediate release
The Administrative Council (AC) of the International Amateur Radio Union
(IARU) held its
annual meeting on 21 and 22 September 2013 in Cancun, Mexico. The AC is
responsible for the
policy and management of the IARU and consists of the three IARU
international officers and
two representatives from each of the three IARU regional organizations.
Here is a summary of the discussions and actions:
1. The consultative process was completed for the election of IARU President
and Vice
President for the 2014-2019 terms of office. The Secretary was instructed to
present to the
member-societies, in a Calendar to be issued no later than 9 December 2013,
proposals by the
International Secretariat with the concurrence by the Administrative Council
that Tim Ellam,
VE6SH/G4HUA, be elected for a five-year term as IARU President and Ole
Garpestad, LA2RR
be elected for a five-year term as IARU Vice President.
2. The Council discussed the issue of some member-societies failing to
represent all of the
amateurs in their country. For example, some do not participate in their
regional organization
activities, some do not pay their regional dues, some are unwilling to
handle non-member QSL
cards even on a cost-recovery basis and some even fail to respond to
inquiries from their regional
organizations. In many of these countries, there are other non-IARU
member-societies. The
Administrative Council is studying ways to work with the non-IARU societies
to ensure that the
interests of all the amateurs are represented in those countries where the
IARU member-society
fails to do so. Possible solutions to the situation include establishing
communications with the
non-IARU societies to allow input from the country’s amateur community on
IARU and amateur
related issues or by recommending the use of QSL bureaus that will service
all the amateurs
within a particular country.
3. The IARU positions for WRC-15 agenda items and future WRC agenda items
reviewed and the strategy for achieving IARU objectives at WRC-15 was
4. The Council reviewed and updated the IARU Spectrum Requirements Document.
document is available on the IARU web site.
5. The Future Spectrum Committee presented its final report. The committee
detailed current amateur usage of bands above 148 MHz. The Council approved
a plan to have
one person in each region to serve as a contact person in spectrum matters.
6. The President reported on the IARU acceptance of an ITU invitation to
participate in the
ITU Spectrum Management Training Program (SMTP) and accepted an appointment
on the
founding board of advisers for the ITU-D Smart Sustainable Development Model
7. IARU participation in World Telecom 2013 in Bangkok, Thailand was
reviewed. IARU
will have a booth at the event to promote amateur radio. More information
about the Telecom
can be found at
8. The Council reviewed and refined a draft paper on emergency
communications strategy.
9. The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) meetings at which IARU
representation will be required for the coming year were identified, and
plans for representation
at these meetings were reviewed.
10. The Michael J. Owen VK3KI Award was awarded to David Wardlaw, VK3ADW and
Wojciech Nietyksza SP5FM. Both of these individuals have made contributions
of time, effort
and expertise to the IARU for many years. The award was created by the
Administrative Council
to recognize an individual or individuals that best exemplify the dedication
and hard work of
IARU volunteers.
11. The theme “Amateur Radio: Your Gateway to Wireless Communications” was
for the next World Amateur Radio Day, April 18, 2014.
12. Ken Garg, W3JK was added to the list of IARU Expert Consultants.
13. The budget for 2014-2016 as presented by the IS was reviewed and
adopted. The budget
is based upon anticipated financial contributions from the three regional
organizations to defray a
portion of the expenses, in a ccordance with previously adopted policy.
14. Reports of the IARU international coordinators and advisers were
received. They are
International Beacon Project Coordinator Peter Jennings, AB6WM/VE3SUN;
Satellite Adviser
Hans van de Groenendaal, ZS6AKV; EMC Adviser Christian Verholt, OZ8CY;
Coordinator for Emergency Communications Hans Zimmermann, F5VKP/HB9AQS; and
Coordinator Thilo Kootz, DL9KCE. The Council reappointed each of the
coordinators and
advisers to a new three-year term.
Attending the Cancun meeting were IARU President Tim Ellam, VE6SH/G4HUA;
President Ole Garpestad, LA2RR; Secretary Rod Stafford, W6ROD; regional
Hans Blondeel Timmerman, PB2T, Dennis Green, ZS4BS, Reinaldo Leandro, YV5AM,
Santoyo, XE1KK, Gopal Madhavan, VU2GMN, Geoff Atkinson, VK3TL; and recording
secretary David Sumner, K1ZZ. Also in attendance as observers were Jay
Bellows, K0QB
representing the IARU International Secretariat and Jose Arturo Molina,
YS1MS as Region 2
The next scheduled in-person meeting of the AC will be held in the vicinity
of Varna, Bulgaria,
in September 2014 in conjunction with the IARU Region 1 Conference.
Chamamos a especial atenção para o ponto 2. que traduzimos, o mais fielmente
possível, para os colegas menos àvontade com a língua inglesa.
“O Conselho debateu a questão de algumas sociedades-membro deixarem de
representar todos os
amadores no seu país. Por exemplo, algumas não participam na organização
regional de atividades,
algumas não pagam as suas contribuições regionais, algumas não estão
dispostas a tratar cartões QSL de não-membros
ainda que numa base de recuperação de custos e algumas até deixaram mesmo de
responder a perguntas sobre as organizações na sua região.
Em muitos desses países, há outras sociedades (associações) não-IARU.
O Conselho de Administração está estudando maneiras de trabalhar com as
sociedades não-IARU para garantir que o
interesses de todos os amadores são representados nos países em que o membro
da sociedade IARU não o fizer.
Possíveis soluções para a situação incluem o estabelecimento de comunicações
com as
sociedades não-IARU para permitir a entrada da comunidade de amadores do
país na IARU para (discussão) de
questões relacionadas e recomendando o uso de QSL bureaus que irá atender a
todos os amadores dentro de um determinado país.”
Ficamos a aguardar.
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