ARLA/CLUSTER: Video mostra como construir um Medidor de Campo com um voltímetro digital

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Sexta-Feira, 27 de Fevereiro de 2015 - 13:28:00 WET

Let's Build A Field Strength Meter

In this video Randy Hall K7AGE shows how to build a field strength
meter in a Digital Volt Meter (DVM) case

The video is based on the article by Richard Russo KB3VZL which
appeared on page 71 of the February 2015 edition of  QST. He built the
circuit to fit inside a Harbor Freight digital volt meter which you
can get free at Harbor Freight if you have the right coupons and live
in the States.

Watch Let's Build A Field Strength Meter ^

Other videos by K7AGE can be seen at

The ARRL publish QST magazine 12 times a year, digital International
membership is available for about $25 ($39).

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