ARLA/CLUSTER: Tripulação russa da ISS fez emissão em SSTV
João Costa > CT1FBF
Segunda-Feira, 2 de Fevereiro de 2015 - 13:25:24 WET
ISS SSTV operational
The Russian *ARISS* team on the International Space Station started the
Slow Scan TV (SSTV) experiment on 145.800 MHz FM at 1000 UT on Saturday,
January 31.
Initially there was an issue with the transmissions.*Paulo PV8DX* in Brazil
reported that the 1030 UT pass had a strong carrier but there was no SSTV
audio. As expected there was the 3 min interval in transmission.
The issue was resolved late afternoon and radio amateurs around the world
were able to receive the SSTV pictures. The transmissions are expected to
continue until 2130 UT on Sunday, February 1.
See pictures that have been received at
Links for free SSTV software and tracking information at
SSTV image received by Michał Zawada SQ5KTM
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