ARLA/CLUSTER: Aparentemente a associação de radioamadores holandeses tencionam apresentar os planos para a sua nova banda de 5 MHz à próxima reunião da IARU R1 em Viena

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Quinta-Feira, 3 de Dezembro de 2015 - 14:19:48 WET

Dutch radio hams get 60m at last

* VERON* reports that radio amateurs in The Netherlands gained access to
5350 to 5450 kHz at 2300 UT on Tuesday, December 2, 2015

The 5350 to 5450 kHz band (60 meters) was incorporated into the Netherlands
National Frequency Plan published in the Official Gazette on Monday,
November 2 but until now Dutch amateurs have not been permitted to use it.

Holders of the Dutch Full amateur licence are permitted to run up to 100
watts PEP. VERON is recommending that Upper Sideband (USB) is be used in
the new band.

Apparently VERON intend to submit a band planning paper for 5 MHz at the
IARU Region 1 interim meeting which takes place in Vienna on April 16-17,


Dutch regulator Agentschap Telecom announcement
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