ARLA/CLUSTER: Palestras realizadas em Friedrichshafen disponíveis online

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Terça-Feira, 9 de Setembro de 2014 - 12:58:24 WEST

Friedrichshafen presentations available online

The ARRL reports key presentations from the 2014 'Ham Radio'
international exhibition in Friedrichshafen, Germany, have been posted

The Vienna-based DokuFunk archive offers both audio and video
presentations from the 2014 Ham Radio, which is Europe’s largest
Amateur Radio gathering.

PowerPoint presentations in English include “The Enigma and Other
famous Cipher Machines” by Tom Perera, W1TP; “FT5ZM — Amsterdam Island
DXpedition” by Ralph Fedor, K0IR; “K9W — Wake Atoll 2013 Commemorative
Expedition” by Lou Dietrich, N2TU, and “VK9MT — Mellish Reef
DXpedition” by Leslie P. Kalmus, W2LK.
The German-language presentation “Yagi und Quad Antennen für den
Kurzwellenamateur” (Yagi and Quad Antennas for HF” by Martin Steyer,
DK7ZB, also is available.

The DokuFunk site offers selected Ham Radio presentations dating back to 2008.

Ham Radio 2014 Lectures


Source ARRL

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