ARLA/CLUSTER: Novas lampadas de eficiência energética podem acabar com a rádio devido às interferencias geradas

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Segunda-Feira, 17 de Março de 2014 - 13:14:31 WET

New energy-efficient lights can wipe out radio

As we conserve energy by the use of compact fluorescents or LED (light
emitting diodes), occasionally things go wrong, with these devices also
radiating radio interference.

The old pear-shaped incandescent bulbs were very inefficient. However,
some of their replacements do not meet emission standards and are the
source of electromagnetic interference.

In the USA fluorescent lights in a Los Angeles office are causing
problems for Verizon's Long-Term Evolution or LTE network.

Among the other cases being investigated by the Federal Communications
Commission is one we told you of several months back, that of the
lights in a Texas hair salon getting into the mobile phone network.

In Australia, complaints about TV reception have come to Australian
Communications and Media Authority which has traced the problem to
some LED lights.

In England and elsewhere too there have TV interference complaints,
even spreading to set-top boxes and cable TV.

However don't blame the technology, but rather the design used in cheap
products. If lights are the problem return them to the place of purchase.

Jim Linton VK3PC

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