ARLA/CLUSTER: QSO Today - Intervistas a radioamadores em Podcast

A. Inacio ct1czt
Segunda-Feira, 28 de Julho de 2014 - 22:40:26 WEST

Intervistas ?

2014-07-28 11:21 GMT+01:00 João Costa > CT1FBF <ct1fbf>:

> QSO Today - New Ham Radio Interview Podcast
> QSO Today, a new interview style podcast for prospective, new, and
> returning hams, was launched today.
> Eric Guth, 4Z1UG, interviews hams who are making an impact in the
> hobby as a way to create a Super Elmer resource for listeners and
> visitors to the QSO Today website.
> Eric, a ham radio operator for over 40 years, asks his guests to share
> their ham radio journey, their modes of operation, their lessons
> learned in the hobby, and how amateur radio has impacted their
> personal and professional life.
> "I grew up loving radio in every form including talk radio", said
> Eric, "my hope with the podcast is that it will introduce those
> getting into or back into ham radio exposure to the amazing spectrum
> of technologies and techniques that comprise our hobby. I will select
> guests from this broad spectrum to tell an interesting story that will
> capture the imagination of our listeners".
> QSO Today will be a weekly podcast and will be available on iTunes,
> Stitcher, and other audio podcast syndicates.
> Go to to listen to the podcast.
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