ARLA/CLUSTER: QSO Today - Intervistas a radioamadores em Podcast
João Costa > CT1FBF
Segunda-Feira, 28 de Julho de 2014 - 11:21:10 WEST
QSO Today - New Ham Radio Interview Podcast
QSO Today, a new interview style podcast for prospective, new, and
returning hams, was launched today.
Eric Guth, 4Z1UG, interviews hams who are making an impact in the
hobby as a way to create a Super Elmer resource for listeners and
visitors to the QSO Today website.
Eric, a ham radio operator for over 40 years, asks his guests to share
their ham radio journey, their modes of operation, their lessons
learned in the hobby, and how amateur radio has impacted their
personal and professional life.
"I grew up loving radio in every form including talk radio", said
Eric, "my hope with the podcast is that it will introduce those
getting into or back into ham radio exposure to the amazing spectrum
of technologies and techniques that comprise our hobby. I will select
guests from this broad spectrum to tell an interesting story that will
capture the imagination of our listeners".
QSO Today will be a weekly podcast and will be available on iTunes,
Stitcher, and other audio podcast syndicates.
Go to to listen to the podcast.
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