ARLA/CLUSTER: Andora também já pode operar em 5 MHz (60m) até 2015

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Sexta-Feira, 18 de Julho de 2014 - 14:23:00 WEST

Andorra now joins the number of countries permitted an experimental band
allocation at 5 MHz (60m).
The Andorran national amateur radio society, URA - *Unio de Radioaficionats
Andorrans*, announced that they had received official permission to operate
between 5275 - 5450 kHz on a secondary basis for short and medium distance
propagation studies.

Maximum power allowed is 100W PEP with a bandwidth not exceeding 3 kHz
utilizing CW and USB. The permission is temporary until WRC-15.


*Paul G4MWO*
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