ARLA/CLUSTER: DARC melhora a qualidade da sua revista e da versão em MP3
João Costa > CT1FBF
Segunda-Feira, 25 de Agosto de 2014 - 13:27:16 WEST
DARC assist visually impaired radio hams
The *Deutscher Amateur Radio Club* (DARC) is providing HTML and MP3
versions of its amateur radio magazine CQ-DL
A Google English translation of the DARC post reads:
For its visually impaired members of German Amateur Radio Club has (DARC)
eV, the low-barrier version of its members magazine CQ DL reissued. The
CQ-DL editions are available in the future in two formats: an HTML version
for direct reading on the screen - possibly with the assistance of a
Braille display - and as a daisy audiobook. The latter is read MP3 files
within which you can navigate with disability-Daisy players. For Daisy
format includes an M3U playlist to sort e.g. with an ordinary MP3 player to
play the MP3 files. The daisy audiobook is available as a zip file, once
downloaded, can be played directly from Daisy players. You can call the
low-barrier CQ DL at the following link: .
When you call you will be immediately prompted by the browser, enter your
membership number and password, then you go on a low-barrier HTML
mini-site, which you can retrieve the individual issues directly. An
information page for barrier-free CQ DL is also listed on .
For the past year the service CQ DL was set initially for the visually
impaired because the production of amateur radio magazine CQ DL was changed
to a new desktop publishing software. From these contents ultimately comes
from the data material for the low-barrier version. The DARC formed a
project team with the goal of reviving service. When tested visually
impaired DARC members were involved and put the needs from the perspective
of the user group. The new method was also in talks theme in the "Sight
City 2014", Germany's largest special exhibition for blind and visually
impaired people from May 14 to 16 took place in Frankfurt. The interest
group blind radio amateurs Germany (IBFD) eV statuierte that the HTML now
available, and Daisy-data represents contemporary formats for visually
impaired hams.
DARC in Google English
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