ARLA/CLUSTER: Três equipas norte-americanas no WRTC-14 contam a sua historia em video

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Segunda-Feira, 25 de Agosto de 2014 - 13:24:36 WEST

WRTC-14 Ham Radio Team Review video
Three top North American teams share their strategy and stories from the
amateur radio *World Radiosport Team Championship* event which took place
July 8-14

WRTC 2014 - North American Team Reviews. Get a look at the 2014 WRTC
competition from the top three North American teams. Join us as the winning
team of K1A (N6MJ & KL9A) along with W1Z (N5DX & N2IC- #4 finish) and N1M
(K9VV & VE3EJ - #5 finish) share their strategy, station configuration, and
stories from the competition.

Watch WRTC 2014 North American Team Reviews
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WRTC 2014
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