ARLA/CLUSTER: Reino Unido: Ministerio da Defesa liberta espectro
para uso comercial
João Costa > CT1FBF
Quinta-Feira, 17 de Outubro de 2013 - 13:59:18 WEST
Ofcom: Releasing MOD spectrum for new civil uses
Ofcom is inviting stakeholders to express their interest in acquiring
radio spectrum that is being released for civil use by the Ministry of
Defence (MOD)
This spectrum includes 40 MHz located in the 2.3 GHz band and another
150 MHz between 3.4 GHz and 3.6 GHz. These bands are in the process of
being harmonised across Europe for mobile broadband; and are therefore
likely to be used for 4G services.
As well as inviting expressions of interest, Ofcom is making a number
of proposals relating to the award of this spectrum. This includes
proposed band plans for the spectrum and a proposal to relocate UK
Broadband spectrum holdings within the 3400 to 3600 MHz band, to form
one contiguous block of frequencies for award.
Further information is at
2300 MHz and 3400 MHz consultation responses
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