ARLA/CLUSTER: Os virus chegaram aos pc´s da ISS

Joăo Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Segunda-Feira, 18 de Novembro de 2013 - 12:20:48 WET

ISS catches a virus

Computer malware has reached the final frontier, according to security
expert Eugene Kapersky

Kaspersky revealed that, prior to the decision earlier this year to
migrate ISS systems to Linux, many of the station's laptops and
mainframes were powered by Windows XP and were prone to regular virus
attacks, the most recent being when an unnamed Russian ambassador
brought aboard an infected USB stick.

It is not known how badly the ISS was affected by the virus but it is
understood to have affected "dozens" of machines. This might have led
in part to the decision by the United Space Alliance to move wholly to
Linux, though even now a number of different flavours of the open
source OS are being run across different systems.

You can read the full item at:

Thanks to Malcolm GI8AFS for spotting this item

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