ARLA/CLUSTER: Africa do Sul tem já dois canais na banda de 60m (5MHz)

João Gonçalves Costa joao.a.costa
Segunda-Feira, 6 de Maio de 2013 - 12:39:21 WEST

South Africa allocates two 5 MHz channels

ICASA (Independent Communications Authority of South Africa) - the national telecommunications regulator - approved two 5 MHz frequencies for the South African Radio League (SARL) to carry out propagation research.

The frequencies allocated are 5250 and 5260 kHz.
These are 'centre frequencies', the 'USB Dial' frequencies being 1.5 kHz below this ( i.e. 5248.5 and 5258.5 kHz ) . All modes are permitted ( U SB/CW preferred ) with 3 kHz maximum bandwidth.

Maximum Power is 100W ( 400W PEP ) measured at the output of the radio. No antenna restrictions.

The 5250 kHz channel is intended for propagation experiments (e.g. SARL News Bulletin transmissions) and 5260 kHz for general contacts (this channel being common to a number of countries) .

The licence is a pilot licence which has been purchased, so the channels are private and licensed to the SARL, who allow their members to use the frequencies. Participating stations, who need to be SARL members, must register.

For further information, visit
propresearch.htm which includes a list of registrants.

Paul Gaskell, G4MWO
Editor, The 5 MHz Newsletter
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