RES: ARLA/CLUSTER: ILLW 2013 a caminho dos 500 registos de participação

João França joaofranca
Terça-Feira, 13 de Agosto de 2013 - 14:12:12 WEST

Caros Colegas,
Boa tarde.
Aproveitando o fato de estar de férias, agradecia que me informassem o modo de funcionamento do  ILLW 2013.
Irei tentar estar operativo durante o fim de semana.

Sem mais
73's de

-----Mensagem original-----
De: cluster-bounces [mailto:cluster-bounces] Em nome de João Costa > CT1FBF
Enviada em: 13 de agosto de 2013 12:54
Para: Cluster-ARLA
Assunto: ARLA/CLUSTER: ILLW 2013 a caminho dos 500 registos de participação

ILLW heads toward a new milestone

Will there be a 500th registration for the first time this year in the annual International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend?

At last count, 485 registrations had been received from nearly 50 countries with only days to go before this weekend, when the annual fun-filled event is held.

Already breaking the existing popularity record of 473 reached last year, organisers believe it may well now nudge 500.
Not bad seeing that only 158 turned out for the first weekend in 1998.

The 100th registration went to Campen Lighthouse DL0EM, number 200 was  Whitby High Light M0OXO, Luehe Lower Light DL9OE is 300 and the Lightship Carpentaria VK2MA makes it 400.

Steadily increasing over the years are radio amateurs who truly enjoy operating portable at a lighthouse, lightship or marine beacon.

The guidelines are published, registrations still being taken and listed by country at the dedicated website

Get on air this weekend to join many thousands of others globally finding out how many you can contact.

Jim Linton VK3PC

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