ARLA/CLUSTER: QRP Computing Ham Radio Group

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Quarta-Feira, 17 de Abril de 2013 - 13:11:23 WEST

A QRP (Low Power) amateur radio computing Yahoo Group has been formed.

The group aim to cater for people who are interested in using PCs/
Laptops, micro-controllers and computers on a board (e.g. Arduinos, Ti
Launchpads, and the Raspberry Pi) within their QRP Projects.

Among the operating systems covered are Windows, OS/X and Linux.

If you have source code, etc to publish please post them on the Group.

You can join the Group by following these steps:
• Send a blank email to QRP_Computing-subscribe
• Yahoo will send you an email in response, you may need to check your
SPAM folder
• Click on the link in the email, this will bring up a Yahoo page in
your browser
• On the Yahoo page ignore the big Join link in the middle and click
on the link at the bottom of the page instead, it says: “As an
alternate option, you may join the mailing list instead.”
• You should then be a member of the group.

QRP Computing Yahoo Group

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