ARLA/CLUSTER: AM Portuguese Day
Associação de Radioamadores do Litoral Alentejano
Quinta-Feira, 25 de Outubro de 2012 - 13:02:10 WEST
• Are you one of those oldies fans or historical transmitter collector?
• Do you miss the AM phone these days?
• Looking for one of those rarer opportunities to test your home made AM
radio transmitter project?
If none of these 3 questions fit on your plans for the November 3th, 2012,
but you are quite interested in new challenges and want to experiment with
a historical way of radio phone transmission, then why not join us on the
air or simply listen on the bands for activity!
*ARLA* (Associação de Radioamadores do Litoral Alentejano) it's a regional
ham radio association from Southern Portugal that will promote the third
edition of the "AM Day" this year.
To get involved on this event it's simple, free and fun.
Test your modern rig or old recovered tube (valve) transmitter on this
event, be part of a different pleasant day on the air, learn a lot and
travel back in time, when the ham radio AM telephony was the only
alternative to the CW telegraphy.
The organization team invites you to use the 40, 20, 10, 6 and 2 metres
bands for this propose.
The time schedule for the event is the following:
7,143.0 MHz (+- 5 kHz) - from 09:00 UTC to... whenever the propagation
allows us to get someone on the other side using Amplitude Modulation. At
19:00 UTC we are back on this band for the last round of the day.
14,270.0 MHz (+- 5 kHz) - from 13:00 UTC to 14:00 UTC.
29,075.0 MHz (+- 5 kHz) - from 14:00 UTC to 15:00 UTC.
144,575.0 MHz (+- 5 kHz) - from 15:00 UTC to 16:00 UTC.
50,575.0 MHz (+- 5 kHz) - from 16:00 UTC to 17:00 UTC.
We hope to get your call on the log, even if your A3E transmission it isn't
one of those notorious "BBC quality" ones.
Let's have some fun!
Please remember on November 3th, 2012 " The AM Portuguese Day in third
edition ".
73's de
*Miguel Andrade, CT1ETL*
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