ARLA/CLUSTER: ARRL lança Revista QST Digital
João Gonçalves Costa
Quinta-Feira, 24 de Maio de 2012 - 13:58:51 WEST
ARRL launch digital QST magazine
The ARRL has launched an International Membership with a digital version of QST magazine for $39 (£25).
QST is one of the world's leading amateur radio magazines and the digital version should have an appeal to English speaking radio amateurs around the world. It could be that in certain countries some amateurs may prefer the digital QST to locally produced publications.
According to ARRL the new format offers several advantages including enhanced content, timely access, and a more interactive experience.
The digital edition is easy to navigate; flip pages from cover-to-cover, zoom in/out, search (full text), print and share, and follow live hyperlinks. Each issue will include unique, digital-edition-only content-video, audio features and extra content.
The ability to print the magazine means you can use free utilities, such as CutePDF Writer, that appear as a printer to create PDF's, however, the quality isn't that good.
As well as the latest issue ARRL members can access the digital QST archive which starts with the January 2012 edition.
QST Magazine
ARRL Membership levels
Ham Radio Now QST Digital Edition Interview
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