ARLA/CLUSTER: Mais um triste fim do serviço em inglês da Radio Netherlands Worldwide

João Gonçalves Costa joao.a.costa
Terça-Feira, 12 de Junho de 2012 - 13:06:50 WEST

De todas as variadas " broadcastings " europeias que tem estado a encerrar os seus serviços em Onda Curta, esta é a que me deixa mais saudades, pois foi de todas a que mais me marcou,  pois tinha um dos mais fabulosos e completos serviço de apoio ao radio-escuta, tanto no seu serviço em inglês como do seu bem organizado serviço em espanhol e também  em português .

Ainda hoje guardo, com profunda nostalgia, os EXCELENTES e muito formativos Cursos sobre Dexismo  que tive a grata oportunidade de frequentar por intermedio desta emissora.

É muitíssimo triste ter assistir a estes "funerais" .

João Costa (CT1FBF)


Radio Netherlands English service closes down

Following the closure of the Dutch service in May, Radio Netherlands has announced that the English service will end on June 29.

On its website, the station says:

We're very sorry to inform you that the English service of Radio Netherlands Worldwide will be closing at the end of this month. As a result, this website will see some changes.

>From 1 July 2012 there will no longer be a daily review of the Dutch papers. Our coverage of Dutch news stories will also cease. And, since RNW's English webstream will end on 29 June, there will be no more Listening Guide.

However, we will continue to provide articles online relating to our new brief: promoting free speech in areas where people are not free to gather information or to form and express independent opinions.


The measures are a result of steep budget cuts imposed by the Dutch government and a concomitant change in focus. Providing the world with a realistic image of the Netherlands, as we have proudly done since 1947, will no longer be one of our statutory duties.

The last radio show

On 29 June we will broadcast a radio show looking back at the past decades of Radio Netherlands Worldwide. Have you got a memory to share? Please let us know, at the usual address, letters<mailto:letters> , or post a comment below this story, as many have already done. We'd love to hear from you.

Radio Netherlands


Radio Netherlands Dutch service closes down

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