ARLA/CLUSTER: Coreia do Norte pode vir a ser ativada.

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Sábado, 7 de Julho de 2012 - 18:24:10 WEST

North Korea 'CW Only' and IOTA AS-197 Project

Rick, K6VVA, states: "This is a 'Work-In-Progress' Update & Interest
Level Survey." A press release by Rick states on his Web page:



During the past 6 years, I have had more than 50 cordial telephone
conversations with D.P.R.K. personnel seeking official permission to
operate from P5. Along with email proposals and discussions in this
matter, substantial efforts have been made to obtain a P5 license.

For more than a year now I have now been working with an NGO
Organization which is well respected in the D.P.R.K. as a result of
Humanitarian work they have done in P5 for many years. I have
personally donated several thousands of dollars to this organization
and another NGO specifically for both Food and Medical related relief
projects to the people in need within the D.P.R.K. Representatives
from both organizations personally supervise the final delivery and
distribution of agricultral, food and medical related items in the
D.P.R.K. to ensure the integrity of the donation programs.


For several months now my NGO contact and I have been discussing a
possible new venue which would be mutually beneficial in helping to
accomplish each of our objectives in the D.P.R.K.

A longstanding goal has been to combine the need for a "CW ONLY" P5
Expedition with the first time activation of at least one P5 IOTA 'NEW
ONE'. I believe an opportunity now exists to combine these goals in
conjunction with unique "Cultural" and "Humanitarian" objectives which
have been formulated for review by D.P.R.K. Authorities. There is
strong support from the NGO in this effort.


I need to make it very clear than I am *NOT* seeking any donations at
this point, but rather only an indication of the level of potential
contributions for the related "Humanitarian" purposes likely required
in order for approval of this project and issuance of a P5 license.

Although I will be paying ALL my own expenses for the Expedition, a
quite large 'threshold' amount for the 'Humanitarian' part of the
proposal has been established which may be necessary for this P5
Project to succeed.

NO future donations will come to me personally, but rather be directed
to the very well-respected NGO specifically earmarked for the D.P.R.K.
relief part of the P5 Project proposal AFTER the Expedition has
concluded. There are some remaining details yet to be finalized.


WRITTEN APPROVAL from at least four separate D.P.R.K. Ministries and
entities (including the D.P.R.K. Military) is necessary in order for
this to happen. Based upon a detailed review of several previous P5
Expedition attempts that did not result in getting on the air, a key
objective in this matter is to minimize potential failure upon arrival
at the final destination in P5.

It has been a very long 6 years thus far, but I believe the time has
finally come to 'fish or cut bait'. I've espoused that 'Ham Radio
Operators' are known to be generous contributors to Humanitarian
causes. Being able to provide an indicator of this to the D.P.R.K.
Authorities up-front can potentially make the difference between
another 'No', or finally YES' in obtaining the desired P5 license.

Another purpose of this Expedition is to hopefully further 'open the
door' for a future Multi-Operator venue in P5, as well as activation
of the other 3 remaining P5 IOTA 'NEW ONES'.


My FIVE 2011 IOTA Expeditions to NA-041, NA-066, NA-091, NA-184 and
NA-242 ('NEW ONE') were also used to fine-tune operational matters as
well as test antenna designs for P5 use in a small venue footprint
most likely acceptable to the D.P.R.K. Authorities. The plan is 4 days
QRV with 200 watt radios and 'Verticals near salt water'. I have all
the radio, antenna and computer equipment necessary for this
expedition, including two KPA500 amplifiers (approval for use of the
amps in P5 is questionable at this time).

Thanks very much in advance for your possible participation in the
Humanitarian aspect of this P5 'CW ONLY' and IOTA AS-197 Project. For
Any Updates, Check TWITTER



Rick, K6VVA The Locust
FOC (First Class CW Operators' Club)
NCCC Co-Founding Member

P.S. This is NOT a solicitation for contributions or donations, but
only an inquiry to obtain an idea as to the possibilities of achieving
the minimum 'threshold' amount set forth in the proposal to hopefully
make this 'Cultural & Humanitarian' endeavor also become a reality for
P5 'CW ONLY' and first time activation of IOTA AS-197."

For more information/updates, watch:

Fonte: OPDX

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