ARLA/CLUSTER: Antenas para atividades pedestres nas bandas de 40 e 80m

João Gonçalves Costa joao.a.costa
Segunda-Feira, 2 de Julho de 2012 - 13:30:11 WEST

80 metres pedestrian mobile magnetic loop

Peter Parker VK3YE shows how to go pedestrian mobile on 80m using a magnetic loop antenna

Almost all pedestrian mobile videos demonstrate operating at 14 MHz or higher. There's good reason for this - compact antennas are more efficient and there's more chance of working over 2000 km DX.

However 7 and especially 3.5 MHz present special challenges to the QRP pedestrian mobile operator. In this video Peter demonstrates 3.5 MHz operation with a lightweight loop that's less than 1 metre in diameter.

The loop is described in more detail at

Watch 80 metres pedestrian mobile with a magnetic loop

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