ARLA/CLUSTER: Astronauta ativo em 145,800 MHz FM a bordo da ISS

João Gonçalves Costa joao.a.costa
Segunda-Feira, 27 de Fevereiro de 2012 - 12:59:05 WET

ISS astronaut active on 145.800 MHz

Astronaut André Kuipers PI9ISS was calling CQ from the International Space Station on 145.800 MHz FM on both Saturday and Sunday afternoon, Feb. 25-26.

André mainly worked Dutch stations although one UK Foundation holder Paul Waddington M6WAD was lucky enough to have a contact with him on Sunday.

Paul says "I am absolutely thrilled to have had a QSO with the ISS. I just thought I would put out a random call, as I have done so many times in the past, and he answered me. I must say, when he did reply, I became a little tongue tied in disbelief!!! I use a Yaesu FT7900 to a Comet GP-15N Triband antenna."

When the astronauts work other radio amateurs back on Earth they transmit on 145.800 MHz FM but operate "split" listening for replies 600 kHz lower on 145.200 MHz. If you are lucky and hear them calling CQ just remember to activate your rig's repeater shift to ensure you reply on the correct frequency. You should never transmit on 145.800 MHz.

Listening to the International Space Station


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