ARLA/CLUSTER: Noticias da World Conference on International
Telecommunications Dubai
João Gonçalves Costa
Segunda-Feira, 10 de Dezembro de 2012 - 14:20:13 WET
Page last updated on: Friday, December 7, 2012
World Conference on International Telecommunications Dubai
The UN internet regulation treaty being discussed in Dubai may according to dot-nxt impact on amateur radio operators.
dot-nxt say: "At the heart of the issue is the term "operating agencies". Currently the international telecommunication regulations (ITRs) apply only to "recognized operating agencies" - and that means large telecoms operators in each country.
Some countries want that term changed to just "operating agencies", which would mean the ITRs become applicable to a vastly larger number of groups... So rather than just AT&T, British Telecom or Italia Telecom, the international treaty would then apply to Google, Facebook, Microsoft, eBay, in fact just about every Internet company, as well private network operators, leased-line operators, amateur radio operators, even government agencies"
Read the full story at
Sir Tim Berners-Lee flags UN net conference concerns
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