ARLA/CLUSTER: Comemoração TITANIC:Transmissão especial em CW pelo serviço meteorológico alemão

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Sábado, 14 de Abril de 2012 - 11:18:32 WEST

Special Titanic commemorative Morse transmission

A special Titanic commemorative Morse transmission will take place
from the German Weather Service at Pinneberg on 14 April 2230 UTC on
147.3 kHz.

Wilfried Behncke writes:

I would like to inform you about a special TITANIC memory transmission
from WFS Pinneberg which will appear in morse-code (147,3 kHz) on 14th
April 22:30 GMT until 15th April 02:00 GMT.

Please look for details at:
Maybe you are interested in.

Best regards

Wilfried Behncke

Nationaler NAVTEX-Koordinator
Deutscher Wetterdienst Hamburg
Kundenbetreuung und Vertrieb
Tel.: 0049 40 6690 1807
Email: wilfried.behncke

(via DXLD)

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