ARLA/CLUSTER: RSGB vai alterar os planos de banda segundo recomendações da IARU R1

João Gonçalves Costa joao.a.costa
Terça-Feira, 13 de Setembro de 2011 - 11:35:53 WEST

IARU Region 1 Conference recommends Band Plan changes

The official minutes of the Final Plenary of the IARU Region 1 General Conference, which contain its Recommendations, is now available on the Region 1 website,

The 78 Recommendations cover a wide range of subjects that will strengthen efforts to protect amateur allocations, develop new amateurs and accommodate growing activity and innovation.

Some of those that affect our Band Plans will need to be carefully reviewed to see how the Recommendations might apply within the UK. This will be led by our Spectrum Managers and Emerging Technologies Committee, ETCC, and discussed within the Spectrum Forum during the autumn, with the aim of publishing the changes in the February 2012 RadCom.

Your views and thoughts on the Band Planning Recommendations should be channelled to either the relevant Spectrum Manager, ETCC or special interest groups represented on the Spectrum Forum.

Contact details can be found on the web by following the Spectrum Forum Members' link at

Fonte: RSGB News

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