ARLA/CLUSTER: Aplicação PSKmail para Smartphones e tablets Android

João Gonçalves Costa joao.a.costa
Quinta-Feira, 6 de Outubro de 2011 - 14:56:46 WEST

AndPskmail - a PSKmail app for your phone

Code update for PSKmail on the Android Operating system by John, VK2ETA.

The main objective of this development is to provide an ultra-portable, as in backpack or bicycle for example, Pskmail client solution, which can run on an Android phone or tablet.

New items in version 0.84:

- RSID receive now implemented for PSK500,PSK250,PSK125,PSK63 and PSK31, allowing automatic mode switching. Fully compatible with server 1.4.12 onwards. Older servers work too, but not with PSK31 and PSK63.

- Custom list of modes (any mode between PSK31 and PSK500 inclusive).

- QTC (email headers request) now request new email headers only

- Long Press on an email header request that email to be downloaded

- Re-organised preferences into screens

This is an alpha version, which needs testers.
Please send your comments and bug reports to the pskmail mailing list... be sure to read the 'known bugs' page in the updated manual... Download at

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