ARLA/CLUSTER: Emissões via satélite da DW interferidas.

João Gonçalves Costa joao.a.costa
Quarta-Feira, 16 de Fevereiro de 2011 - 12:18:24 WET

Deutsche Welle has experienced jamming of its signals from the Hotbird 8 satellite. The source of the jamming has not been confirmed. 

Engineers at Deutsche Welle detected interference of transmissions coming from the Hotbird 8 satellite beginning Monday at 13:07 UTC. It is believed the DW transmissions are being “jammed” by foreign signals, though the source of the signals can not be confirmed.

Deutsche Welle last experienced jamming in February 2010, which was believed to have emanated in Iran.
The disturbances are affecting DW-TV Europe, DW-TV Arabia, as well as very high frequency (VHF) and shortwave signals in regions including Europe, the Middle East and parts of Asia. TV live streaming on Deutsche Welle’s multi-language news website is also affected by the disturbances.

To ensure the transfer of Deutsche Welle content, alternate transmission services have been arranged for Internet and satellite broadcasting. Partner stations that rebroadcast DW have been informed.

Fontes: Media Network, Deutsche Welle website 

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