ARLA/CLUSTER: Australia: World's First DATV QSO Party

João Gonçalves Costa joao.a.costa
Quinta-Feira, 4 de Agosto de 2011 - 12:57:50 WEST

World first for digital television

The final touches are being put on World's First DATV QSO Party to be held by the Melbourne repeater VK3RTV and around the world via the streaming media portal of the British Amateur Television Club (BATC).

Organiser Peter Cossins VK3BFG said it was most fitting that the event is part of the Amateur Radio Victoria Centenary which runs from August 1 through to November 30.

He has been with the amateur television scene through its black and white days, to colour imagery and more recently has, with the help of others, the digitisation of VK3RTV.

Peter VK3BFG said, "Major funding of VK3RTV from Amateur Radio Victoria and $1000 from the WIA Club Grants program enabled it to be digitised well ahead of time, and renewed interest in it throughout the expanded coverage area.

"What is planned is a DATV QSO Party to celebrate the 100th the anniversary of Amateur Radio Victoria. While the actual times are not fixed, it's planned to be over the last weekend of August starting on the Friday evening."

Already there's interest around Australia and testing has been held while negotiations are being finalised with the BATC and the Amateur Television Network of California via Don Hill KE6BXT.

Jim Linton VK3PC

DATV- Digital Amateur TeleVision.
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