ARLA/CLUSTER: Proposta alteração segmentos dos beacons em 6m

João Gonçalves Costa joao.a.costa
Terça-Feira, 26 de Abril de 2011 - 10:10:20 WEST


Digamos que estou perfeitamente de acordo.

Embora isto traga alguns contratempos e exigências técnicas para muitas associações e clubes.
Se na próxima reunião da IARU ficar estabelecida e provada a proposta da REF e apoiada pela RSGB, é bem capaz de ser o arrumar da casa final.

Os segmento "baixo"  dos 6m, 50.000 a 50.100 na Europa é um inferno de beacon que polvilham o espectro acotovelando-se uns aos outros pela soberania da frequência.

Isto incapacita totalmente que se ouçam os beacon de outros continentes.

Até agora a instalação de beacons têm sido um pouco self-service especialmente em Itália.

Felizmente Portugal já adoptou na sua legislação cautelas em relação  a esta matéria.

Suponho que a haver mudanças, os beacons Portugueses, que são da região 1 terão todos de migrar.

A proposta é muda-los para um segmento mais acima da banda,  50,400 a 50,500.

A banda 50.000 a 50,100 será para CW exclusivo.

Aguardemos o resultado da Reunião da IARU, mas quer-me parecer que é bom irem-se habituando à ideia.


No dia 23 de Abril de 2011 14:14, Antonio Matias <ct1ffu> escreveu:

	I have just written this paper in my role as RSGB VHF Manager and member of the IARU Region-1 VHF/UHF Committee. It will be presented at the IARU Region-1 *Interim* meeting in Vienna, March 2010. Please note that this is not the Full Conference (being held in 2011) and that this paper cannot be ratified until then. However it can be agreed in principle at the interim meeting. If agreed any moves would take up to 12-month following the 2011 conference - ie 2012. The basic idea is to create an increased (100kHz) beacon band and at the same time create a far wider exclusive c.w. band at the bottom end of the 50MHz band. Please feedback comments here (preferred) or via my email address.
	At the IARU Region 1 Conference, Cavtat, 2008 the French Society REF introduced paper CT08_C5_40: Narrow frequency band on the 145MHz band for an automatic reporting beacon network (WSPR).
	The meeting was comfortable with the recommendation in the paper but the suggestion was made that it might be helpful to assign frequencies on 50MHz and 70MHz for similar purposes.
	The RSGB VHF Manager G4ASR reported back on his investigations into suitable frequencies and recommended the use of 50.400MHz not only for WSPR but as a possible precursor to a later step to move the beacon band up to that area of the 50MHz band.
	The recommendation was carried unanimously and the RSGB (G4ASR) was requested to prepare a draft paper for the Interim Meeting, Vienna, 2010 regarding a revised beacon band around 50.400MHz.
	The 50MHz band plan shows that Telegraphy (cw) is allocated 50.000 – 50.100MHz.
	However the sub-band 50.000 - 50.080MHz is currently allocated to propagation beacons.
	This only leaves 20kHz for exclusive cw usage.
	The 50MHz band within IARU Region 1 is now very popular and it will prove advantageous to move the current beacon sub-band higher in frequency to provide further additional bandwidth for cw usage.
	That the 50MHz beacon sub-band within IARU Region-1 be moved to 50.400 – 50.500MHz.
	That the sub-band 50.000 – 50.100MHz be allocated for Telegraphy (Exclusive) usage. 
	Other IARU regions may need to be consulted but it is useful to note that the ARRL band plan shows that 50.000-50.100MHz is already allocated to cw usage.
	- Click Here - <> 
	A 20kHz slot 50.060-50.080MHz is currently allocated to a beacon sub-band. 
	Furthermore the area 50.300-50.600MHz is allocated to all modes that can include cw usage. 
	- Click Here - <> 
	David, G4ASR

	António Matias 


	QRV: HF, 6m, 4m,2m,70cm,23cm
	DX, EME, Contest,Sat.

António Matias 


QRV: HF, 6m, 4m,2m,70cm,23cm
DX, EME, Contest,Sat.

Fonte: ct-comunicacoes-e-tecnologias Em nome de Antonio Matias

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