ARLA/CLUSTER: Primeiro exame internacional recíproco entre os E.U.A. / Índia

pedro almeida pedrocalixto80
Segunda-Feira, 24 de Maio de 2010 - 13:54:15 WEST

> ---------- Mensagem reencaminhada ----------
> From: "João Gonçalves Costa" <joao.a.costa>
> To: "'Resumo Noticioso Electrónico ARLA'" <cluster>
> Date: Mon, 24 May 2010 13:22:02 +0100
> Subject: ARLA/CLUSTER: Primeiro exame internacional recíproco entre os
> E.U.A. / Índia
> <> First-ever
> US Amateur Radio exam session in India
> The first-ever US amateur radio exams session in India is scheduled to be
> held on 24th May 2010 at Kendriya Vidyalaya-2, Uppal, Hyderabad.
> *This license is not only meant for inside the US territories but also
> serves at International level for reciprocal licenses and operating permits
> at ease*.
> *All the three classes, i.e Technician, General and Amateur Extra will be
> served during this session*.
> *With one time fee of USD $15 (Payable in Rupees too) any one could be
> able to take all these three exams in a sequence*. ARRL/VEC test sessions
> are being conducted all over the US, Canada, Brazil, Germany, Japan, Mexico,
> Panama, Philippines, Italy, Trinidad and Tobago etc*.
> For more information, question pools and practice at:
> Session info on official page of ARRL at:
> *Become a VE*:
> Any General class or Extra class licensee could be eligible to become a VE
> by submitting an application and successful answers to the open book review.
> There is no fee for this service you will receive a certificate and a VE
> badge from ARRL/VEC. I will be happy to assist to those who wish to become a
> Volunteer Examiner (VE) to serve their local communities.
> Lets support Amateur Radio for International goodwill.
> 73
> *
> Suresh, AB9US*
> Team contact and liaison,
> ab9us.vu2ipl, cell:9390613599

Boa tarde a todos,
estive a ver os links desta noticia e achei engraçado uma situaçao destas cá
em Portugal,
a malta em vez de se deslocar ás delegaçoes da Anacom fazer os exames nas
sedes da associaçao local.
Tinha as suas vantagens e desvantagens julgo eu .

Pedro Almeida

NRA #063-E ARMI # A/533 EPC # 8295
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