Re: ARLA/CLUSTER: WRTC 2010 - As Olimpiadas do Radioamadorismo Desportivo na Rússia.
Joel Lobão
Segunda-Feira, 22 de Março de 2010 - 18:53:21 WET
Olá Colega Mourato.
Radiosport é o termo dado à vertente competitiva do Radioamadorismo que como
sabe já existe há muitos anos. O termo é que penso ser relativamente
recente. Eu sou adepto de concursos, mas daí até chamar desporto a isso vai
uma grande distância. Mas enfim...
O WRTC já existe há alguns anos e consiste numa competição de equipas de
dois elementos que estão com as mesmas condições. Mesmas antenas, à mesma
altura do solo e com a mesma potência.
Essas equipas são escolhidas através de um sistema de pontuação obtida em
vários cuncursos.
Espero ter sido esclarecedor.
73 de CT1HXB - Joel Lobão
2010/3/22 Carlos Mourato <radiofarol>
> Desculpem lá a minha ignorância...Mas isto do chamado "Radiosport" é novo
> não é?...É que já sou radioamador devidamente licenciado e activo desde
> 1977, e só à menos de 1 ano comecei a ouvir falar nesse moda do"radiosport".
> E já agora tambem gostaria de saber se "radiosport" e "radioamadorismo" são
> sinónimos!...Só procuro respostas. Por favor não levantem polémicas. Se
> alguem tem alguma coisa a dizer que não seja adequado a este grupo de
> distribuição, que me envie e-mail para o meu e-mail pessoal.
> 73 de CT4RK
> No dia 22 de Março de 2010 17:34, João Gonçalves Costa <
> joao.a.costa> escreveu:
>> WRTC 2010 - Amateur Radio Championships*Krassy Petkov, K1LZ*, U.S.
>> Fundraiser for the WRTC 2010 Organizing Committee, reports: "I am writing to
>> you today to ask for your financial support of the upcoming WRTC
>> Championship Competition that is being held in Moscow, Russia, this coming
>> July 2010.
>> "As you may already know, this event is the 'Olympics of Amateur Radio'
>> and about 50 teams from all over the world will compete for Gold, Silver and
>> Bronze in the fields near Moscow.
>> "This time, teams will be set up in tents with generators supplying the
>> power and special new rules will allow both operators to make contacts in a
>> modified form of SO2R with interlocked radios – meaning only one signal at a
>> time is permitted on the air.
>> "Our Russian friends have laid on what sounds like a wonderful week of
>> amateur competition for competitors and spectators alike! There will be some
>> side-trips for visitors and, of course, WRTC week always provides wonderful
>> opportunities for socializing and just 'hanging out' with some of the very
>> best amateur radio contesting operators in the world. This will be 'the
>> place to be this July' – no doubt about it!
>> "Putting on an event of this magnitude is no small effort both in terms of
>> time and monetary expense. If you are a competitor or plan to be a
>> spectator, I ask that you please consider making a donation to this worthy
>> effort. If you are potentially a corporate sponsor, I also ask for your
>> support in the name of international brotherhood and radiosport competition.
>> "Contributions are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law for USA
>> taxpayers and can be made as follows:
>> Please make your check payable to 'NCDXF'. In the lower left corner, write
>> 'For WRTC 2010'. Kindly mail it to Mr. Rusty Epps, W6OAT, 651 Handley Trail,
>> Emerald Hills, CA 94062 USA.
>> "For Pay-Pal or credit card donations, please use the NCDXF website (
>> Click on the Join/Renew
>> button, enter your call, write in the comment box 'For WRTC 2010' and
>> follow the Pay-Pal or credit card instructions. All contributors will be
>> prominently listed in the WRTC program literature – so please give as
>> generously as you can.... thanks!"
>> 73,
>> *Krassy K1LZ*
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> --
> Best 73 from: regards from: CT4RK Carlos Mourato - Sines - Portugal
> Save the Radio Spectrum! Eliminate Broadband over Power Line. Salve o
> espectro electromagnético!. Não use a rede electrica para transmitir dados.
> Os "homeplugs power line" e a tecnologia "power line" causa fortes
> interferencias noutro serviços sem voce se aperceber. Diga não à tecnologia
> power line. Proteja o ambiente
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