ARLA/CLUSTER: Banda dos 70 cm ser usada por outros serviços na Austrália.

João Gonçalves Costa joao.a.costa
Sexta-Feira, 23 de Julho de 2010 - 14:24:31 WEST

Non-ham use of 70cm band in VK

The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) is proposing to allow land mobile service radio users access to the edges of the amateur radio 440-450 MHz band for up to three years.

In the latest development on the re-arrangements for the 403-520 MHz band the ACMA said that in order to make long-term changes, the bottom and top 500 kHz of the Amateur Radio Service 70cm band could be used by land mobile services in some areas.

The ACMA held a briefing on 19 July in Sydney attended by radio industry, emergency services, government users and the Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA) as a follow up to its paper ‘The Way Ahead – Decisions and Implementation Options for the 400 MHz band’ that was released in April.

Within the information presented by ACMA Executive Manager, Spectrum Infrastructure Branch, Andrew Kerans confirmed the need for the ad-hoc use of the spectrum segment, 440 to 450 MHz by affected landmobile radio licensees.

The temporary use of the 70cm band will be contained to the bottom and top 500 kHz on this band and most likely only in the heavily spectrum congested areas of Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane.

The Amateur Radio Service 70cm band is a secondary allocation and temporary use of it has occurred in the past mainly for major sporting events and has not resulted in any reported interference issues.

The WIA is now working with the ACMA on arrangements for this to occur again, to enable identified spectrum use changes for the land mobile service in the broadly termed 400MHz band.

Jim Linton VK3PC
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