ARLA/CLUSTER: BBQ dos 6m G3WOS quem quer ir?

Antonio Matias ct1ffu
Terça-Feira, 5 de Janeiro de 2010 - 15:29:54 WET

*Chris vai voltar a fazer o tradicional BBQ para  malta dos 6m e 4m.*

*se houver suficientes interessados.*


*G3WOS's 2010 6/4m BBQ*

Hi Chris,

After the great success of the 2004, 2005 and 2007 BBQs, I am thinking of
holding a 6m BBQ (if there is sufficient interest) on*Saturday 7th
August 2010* in *Farnborough, Hampshire UK*.

<>Take a look at the 2005 BBQ web
site <>. As we have always had a good
number of non-UK 6m hams attend, I am sending this now so that you can plan
your summer around the event by visiting the UK!

[Click on the picture for the GIANT version].

There will be plenty of food and drink, lots of 6m guys to talk to and argue
with and *XYLs are positively encouraged!* I hope that we will see an even
better turn out of non-UK 6m enthusiasts. For those wanting to stay over on
Friday night, we will get everyone into the same hotel (The
Falcon<> as
in 2007) and organise another great 6m dinner for the Friday evening.

There will be several interesting talks to help pass the long hot summer

The cost of the BBQ is not yet known but will be around 30 UK POnds and will
need to be paid in advance of the event.

*Please send me an email to indicate your level of interest.*

73 Chris G3WOS - chris
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