Re: ARLA/CLUSTER: Nokia desenvolve telemóvel que se auto-carregam com a radiação ambiente.

Carlos Mourato radiofarol
Segunda-Feira, 13 de Julho de 2009 - 14:46:34 WEST

Chama-se a isto "reciclagem de energia electromagnética"...A ideia até é
curiosa e à primeira vista , pelo menos uma parte da radiação existente nas
proximidades, incluindo a do emissor do telemovel, pode carregar o telefone.
Até porque na natureza nada de perde!...Tudo se transforma!..Então no metro,
quando toda a gente se lembra de telefonar dentro da carruagem, deve ser
tipo "carga rápida".
73 de CT4RK

2009/7/13 João Gonçalves Costa <joao.a.costa>

> Engenheiros da Nokia anunciaram a possibilidade que com os níveis actuais
> das radiações electromagnéticas presentes no ambiente, estas poderem vir a
> servir para recarregar as baterias dos telemóveis.
> A energia provém de todos os sistemas que irradiam energia
> electromagnéticos para o ambiente como sejam, Internet sem fios, rádios,
> emissões de TV terrestre, as próprias antenas dos telemóveis, etc.
> A ideia parece fantástica e de certa forma tem algum sentido, basta pensar
> no velho rádio de galena...
> Coloca-se também a questão se com um número elevado de telemóveis, será
> significativa a energia que as baterias conseguem reter. Mas poderá ser um
> bom mecanismo para não ficar sem bateria numa emergência.
> Nokia developing self-charging cell phone
> No more telling Mom you can't talk because your cell phone is "about to
> die"--it soon could be charging itself as you speak.
> The Nokia Research Centre in Cambridge, England, is working on a prototype
> system that would eliminate the traditional cell phone charger.
> The system collects energy from ambient radio waves emitted by antennas, TV
> masts, Wi-Fi transmitters, and the like. This might all sound
> uber-scientific, but we've been using this technology for years. Have you
> ever exited a store, only to hear the beep, beep, beep of an accusing alarm
> system? Many retailers use radio frequency identification to prevent theft
> and track inventory. Like RFID tags, the Nokia phones would catch radio
> waves across a range of frequencies, harnessing them for power.
> Nokia's goal is to get cell phones to harvest about 50 milliwatts of power.
> Currently the prototypes are able to harvest up to 5 milliwatts, but at
> least 20 milliwatts is needed to keep phones running in standby mode
> indefinitely without the need for a recharge, the U.K.'s Guardian reports in
> an article on Nokia's research.
> We're not quite sure what features 50 milliwatts could power: music
> playing? 3G Internet browsing? As consumers increase their business- and
> entertainment-related dependency on cell phones, Nokia might have to adjust
> its 50-milliwatt goal. For a more functional lifestyle device, the phone
> would need to be paired with a solar-paneled case, or even an occasional
> wired charge.
> The Nokia Research Centre has said the technology will take three to five
> years to develop. Though this would presumably be the first time
> electromagnetic radiation is applied to a mainstream consumer product,
> wireless charging has already hit the market. This month, Palm introduced a
> wireless charger, the Touchstone, for its much-anticipated Palm Pre.
> The Touchstone uses a method referred to as inductive charging. The
> electric toothbrush is one of the most common devices that applies this
> technology.
> Fonte: This Week in Amateur Radio.
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> CLUSTER mailing list

Best 73 from: regards from: CT4RK Carlos Mourato - Sines - Portugal

Save the Radio Spectrum! Eliminate Broadband over Power Line. Salve as
frequencias de radio. Não use a rede electrica para transmitir dados. O PLC
causa fortes interferencias noutro serviços sem voce se aperceber. Diga não
ao PLC. Proteja o ambiente
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