ARLA/CLUSTER: Austrian 70 MHz Beacon OE5QL

João Gonçalves Costa joao.a.costa
Segunda-Feira, 13 de Abril de 2009 - 13:47:44 WEST

Very high frequency (VHF)<>                                               ultra high frequency (UHF)<> amateur radio<> bands<>
VHF<>   UHF<>


6 m<>  4 m     2 m<>

        70 cm<>  33 cm<>  23 cm<>  13 cm<>
50 MHz  70 MHz  144 MHz         420 MHz 902 MHz 1.24 GHz        2.3-2.31 GHz
54 MHz  70.5 MHz        148 MHz         450 MHz 928 MHz 1.3 GHz 2.39-2.45 GHz

Austrian 70 MHz Beacon OE5QL

It's not long until this year's Sporadic E season starts and there will be a new 4 metre beacon to listen out for, OE5QL from Austria on 70,045 MHz.

It has been given an experimental call sign by the Austrian PTT rather than an amateur call since the 70 MHz amateur band is not yet available in Austria. It is licenced to operate from 1 June until 31 August 2009.

Transmission is limited to just 2 minutes per sequence between 04:00 and 19:47 UTC.

Each sequence begins at +00 min, +15 min, +30 min and +45 min past each hour e.g. 04:00-04:02, 04:15-04:17, 04:30-04:32 and 04:45-04:47.

Transmission power is 1W ERP in the first minute of each sequence and 5W ERP for the second minute of each sequence.

If the beacon does not interfere with services outside of Austria, an extension may be possible after August 2009.

Callsign: OE5QL
Frequency: 70,045 MHz
Locator: JN78CJ
Height: 840m ASL
Antenna: Half-Wave Vertical

Wiki - 4-meter band

VHF Summertime Sporadic E by G8TTI

Österreichischer Versuchssenderverband (OeVSV) (Google Translation)
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