ARLA/CLUSTER: Attention all Radio Amateurs: WAG-Contest 2008

João Gonçalves Costa joao.a.costa
Segunda-Feira, 13 de Outubro de 2008 - 14:10:04 WEST

Attention all Radio Amateurs: WAG-Contest 2008

The Deutscher Amateur Radio Club contest committee wants to bring to your attention the following frequency segments which are only allowed to use in the Worked All Germany Contest 2008, October 18-19.

According to IARU-Region 1 regulations and from experiences in 2006 and 2007, to reduce interference with the participants of JOTA-activities, contest operation is not allowed in the following contest-free sections:

80m: (CW) 3560-3800 kHz, (SSB) 3650-3700 kHz
40m: (SSB) 7080-7140 kHz
20m: (CW) 14060-14350 kHz, (SSB) 14100-14125 kHz and 14280-14350 kHz
15m: (SSB) 21350-21450 kHz
10m: (SSB) 28225-28400 kHz

The complete contest rules can be found on<>.

It would be helpful if your society could make this public in their regular bulletins.

Fonte:  DARC - Deutscher Amateur-Radio-Club
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