ARLA/CLUSTER: Por acaso, até espero estar na Arrábida....TM3O(Tango Mike 3 Oscar).
João Gonçalves Costa
Sexta-Feira, 30 de Maio de 2008 - 17:27:22 WEST
Prezados Colegas e Companheiros portugueses que cada vez mais participam no Campeonato "Ibérico" de VHF e UHF da URE - Unión de Radioaficionados Españoles, uma esporádica vinha mesmo a calhar para Junho.
Mais um ponto de interesse para o Concurso Mediterrâneo 2008:
Special event station TM3O
Look for special event station TM3O (Tango Mike 3 Oscar) to be aired on June 7th and 8th for the 30th anniversary of the Vendée, Mont des Alouettes repeater (West France).
It will be aired too during the French VHF Championship.
Schedule - On Saturday June 7th, 40m between 1000 until 1400 UTC; starting 1400 UTC same day, until Sunday 8th 1400 UTC, on 144 Mhz, 432 Mhz, 1.20 Ghz in and post contest.
Operators mentioned are Patrice F8BON, Jean-Claude F6AQI, Denis F6DBA, Patrick F6GAF, Jean-Francois F5BCB, Lucien F5RFS, Christian F5SVO, Philippe F5TRO, Yvonnick F4BYF, Bruno F4DXX, Maxime F4FEY and Eric F4LJW.
QSL via F5KEQ.
Mais informações acerca da lista CLUSTER