ARLA/CLUSTER: British Amateur Television Club introduce ATV internet.

João Gonçalves Costa joao.a.costa
Quinta-Feira, 29 de Maio de 2008 - 12:17:49 WEST

BATC introduce ATV internet streaming

The British Amateur Television Club (BATC) have announced their latest venture, Internet streamed ATV.

The clubs new website located at the Telehouse, Docklands data centre in the UK will bring streamed ATV to the internet and allow cross repeater working from its multi screen display.

The site will also carry a library of ATV programmes and be a port for other ATV events that will be streamed from around the world.

It will be connected to a major internet pipe to minimise delays. The streamer will use flash media so the picture quality will be the very best that modern technology can provide at the present time.

The BATC press release can be seen at

British Amateur Television Club (BATC)

BATC ATV Internet Streaming
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