ARLA/CLUSTER: Novos Vídeos da AMSAT.

João Gonçalves Costa joao.a.costa
Terça-Feira, 17 de Junho de 2008 - 13:42:12 WEST

New AMSAT videos available

We recorded videos of an AO-51 pass and of all the AMSAT Forum presentations at Dayton 2008. You can find out the latest on the current satellite projects, AO-51, AO-16, AMSAT Operations, ARISS and the ACP satellite and ground station progress. Barry, WD4ASW moderated the Forum.

Thanks to Steve Belter, N9IP for doing the recordings and Mike Young, WB8CXO for the video equipment and converting the tapes to this format. Thanks to Gunther and Rob Meisse for hosting the videos at the WMFD site.

The following videos are clickable if you have Windows Media Player (or equivalent) installed on your computer. The URLs can also be pasted into other compatible viewers.

Operating AO-51 Video
Keith, W5IU doing the demonstration during Dayton 2008

Videos of 2008 AMSAT Forum at Dayton

Rick, W2GPS AMSAT, P3E, Eagle, SuitSat-2 Update

Gould, WA4SXM Operations and AO-51 UpdateN2MJI

Mark, N8MH AO-16 Update

Michelle, W5NYV ACP Ground Unit

Matt, N2MJI ACP Satellite Unit

Tony, VK5ZAI ARISS Update

Gould, WA4SXM
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