ARLA/CLUSTER: Logbook of the World Net on 14.270 MHz Monday evening at 2359Z .

João Gonçalves Costa joao.a.costa
Segunda-Feira, 14 de Julho de 2008 - 17:14:17 WEST

Logbook of the World Net

The first weekly Logbook of the World Net (LOTW-Nets) is now in operation.

Meeting each Monday evening at 2359Z (ie: Monday evening 7:59pm. EDT), this net meets on 14.270 mhz. (increment +5 as required if QRM). Additional frequencies and dates are proposed.

The LOTW DX and WAS nets are to help awards chasers find needed DX and WAS stations that are willing to QSL via the ARRL Logbook of The World system.

This net and e-mail group are open to all amateur radiooperators that are willing to QSL via LOTW.  Netlogger is used (optional).

"Work those needed band/entities and have confirmations usable toward ARRL awards in hours, not months or years."

LOTW-Nets reflector: Nets/messages<>

ARRL Logbook of the World:

Free Netlogger download:

LOTW-Nets website: To be announced

73 Neil W3ZQI
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