ARLA/CLUSTER: Autonomous trans-atlantic balloon project : 10.1257
MHz / 144.390 MHz January 4 at 03:00 Universal Time
João Gonçalves Costa
Quinta-Feira, 3 de Janeiro de 2008 - 11:34:59 WET
10 MHz Amateur Radio balloon flight SNOX II
The Spirit of Knoxville II balloon flight has been delayed 25 hours, resulting in a launch time of January 4 at 03:00 Universal Time (UT).
The balloon carries transmitters in the both the Amateur 10 MHz and 144 MHz bands and was developed by the University of Tennessee Amateur Radio Club.
It has a modest chance of making it across the Atlantic Ocean and arriving over Europe within approximately 48 hours.
Radio Listeners - DTRC users - especially Greenland and UK/Europe, please watch for up to date tuning and status information.
Launch spectators you may find detailed parking and driving directions available here<>:
We recommend arriving at the launch site at least half hour before launch, it will be very cold (22F / 8C), so dress quite warmly!
Watch the flight live on the web at
Receiving the Balloon's radio signal Ham Radio and Shortwave Listeners- please download the Distributed Tracking and Relay Client (DTRC) to receive and relay telemetry to the live tracking page. Without you, the balloon will be lost!
Radio Frequencies
* 144.390 MHz AA4UT-11 APRS beacon (while over USA only)
* 10.1257 MHz RTTY/CW Telemetry (while outside of USA and UK)
Radio Telemetry Format and Schedule
* 30M: UTARC RTTY Telemetry version 20#
* 30M: CW Telemetry Version 300
* 2M: UTARC APRS Telemetry Version 124
Mission Hypothesis/Flight profile
* Flight Computer "Snox1"
* Sparkfun "Postage Stamp" EM-408 GPS
* MicroTrack 300 2M radio with TinyPack firmware (turned off east of 54 Longitude)
* Lyster 30M HF RTTY/CW tx (turned on upon leaving U.S., muted over UK)
* 1 watt electric heater
* 1 12v solenoid
* 5lbs denatured alcohol
University of Tennessee Amateur Radio Club
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