ARLA/CLUSTER: World Radio Communication Conference 2007 (WRC-07) até 16 de Novembro em Genebra - Suiça

João Gonçalves Costa joao.a.costa
Segunda-Feira, 29 de Outubro de 2007 - 17:22:45 WET

Prezados Colegas,

Agora que o Secretário Geral da ITU, Dr Hamadoun Touré(HB9EHT) é também ele radioamador, vamos ver o que se decide até 16 de Novembro.

Propostas da IARU para a World Radio Communication Conference 2007 (WRC-07) para o Serviço de Amador e Serviço de Amador por Satélite:

- Harmonization of frequency allocations
* reduction and avoidance of country footnotes that reduce the availability of bands that are allocated internationally to radio amateurs.

- Maintaining and extending allocations
* maintain the allocation of 7200-7300 kHz in Region 2 and to extend this allocation to Regions 1 and 3.

* in support of disaster mitigation and relief, a worldwide secondary allocation of 150 kHz is sought in the frequency range just above 5 MHz.
(em estudo em Portugal, com proposta a apresentar brevemente)

- Secondary allocation in the low-frequency range
* a secondary allocation to the amateur service in the frequency band 135.7-137.8 kHz
(já contemplada no Quadro Nacional de Atribuição de Frequências (QNAF) de 2007 em Portugal)

- Propostas para a  WRC 2011
* an allocation to the amateur service in the range 50-54 MHz in Region 1, in order to harmonize this allocation among the three Regions;

* allocation of the band 495-510 kHz to the amateur service on a secondary or primary basis; permitting the development of reliable groundwave systems for disaster relief and providing spectrum for digital signal processing experimentation;

* continued access for amateurs to frequencies at regular intervals above 275 GHz as allocations and protections for other services. (One option is to provide specific allocations to the amateur services of relatively narrow, primary bands adjacent to wider, secondary bands);

* in any review of HF allocations, consideration of the expansion of the amateur bands near 10, 14 and 18 MHz, in order to better accommodate increased activity.


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